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7 Keys to Starting a Successful School Age Program

Successful school age care is important for North Carolina to thrive. Afterschool and summer camp programs provide students with a safe avenue to learn, play, and socially develop outside of traditional school hours. Additionally, school age programs are a critical infrastructure resource in times of emergency situations, natural disasters, and public health and safety concerns.

Data from the National Afterschool Alliance highlights that over 200,000 North Carolina students attended some form of out-of-school care in 2019; however, the organization reports a need for an additional 200,000 slots across the state (NAA, This is Afterschool in North Carolina, 2020). By starting or expanding licensed school age care, you are providing a fundamental service to the overall function and operation of our great state.

This guide will help you reflect on seven elements of school age care that are key for your program’s success. Take time to look over these seven points as you fine-tune your school age program’s direction.

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