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Impact & Stats

Quality child care is a necessity for many families in North Carolina, and it is also a significant expense. How does CCR&R improve the quality of child care services in North Carolina?


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Why is child care so important?

CCR&R agencies are dedicated to improving the quality and availability of child care in North Carolina because it makes a major difference in the economic health and security of families, it lays the foundation for a child’s future success and it creates child care jobs, contributing to economic growth.

For Families:

  • In North Carolina, an estimated 66% of children under the age of 6 and 67% of children aged 6-12 live in homes where all parents work, resulting in a significant need for child care.1
  • On average, young children with working mothers spend 36 hours a week in child care.2
  • The average cost of center care for a preschooler consumes 40% of the median income for a single-parent family and more than 10% for a two-parent family.2
  • North Carolina ranks 15th in resources spent on public preschool in the State of Preschool 2021 report by the National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER).3

For Childhood Development:

  • In August 2019, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Council on Early Childhood released a report that supports how quality child care improves physical and cognitive outcomes on children which can result in enhanced school readiness.4
    • In North Carolina, 7 out of every 10 children in child care have access to quality care (4- or 5-star care).4

For the Economy:

  • North Carolina has 5,598 regulated child care programs employing approximately 36,753 individuals.5 These businesses contribute massively to the state’s economy by purchasing goods and services in their communities.

1 KidsCount Data Center 2021

2 Parents and the High Cost of Care, 2017, Child Care Aware of America, Arlington, VA

3 The State of Preschool 2021, National Institute of Early Education Research (NIEER), 2021

4 Pediatrics, School Readiness, August 2019, vol. 144 no. 2 e20191766

5 June 2022 NC Division of Child Development and Early Education

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